I knew it was an insect, before I knew it was also a game. Cricket is the most popular game in South Asia. It is a long and boring game. I could never get myself to watch a full game. People look at you in disbelief, if you say you have no interest in the game. The sports pages in the newspapers are full of cricket news and if you don’t follow the game it can be irritating.
Cricket is one of the few games where players do not wear shorts and so they don’t have to reveal their legs. It is a game suitable for lazy people. In football, except for the goalkeeper, all the players are constantly on the move. In cricket, only two players are actually active, the person who bowls and the person who bats. Only two players from the side that is batting are on the field, the others are watching the game along with the spectators, till it is their time to bat. On the other side, one player bowls and the others are fielding, which means they will try to catch the ball if it comes their way. If it doesn’t, well, they just stand there.
When a batsman hits the ball, he is not eager to run between the wickets, since he doesn’t have to, if it is a four or a six. They should be made to run six times to get six runs.