Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Many women in India are seen with a dot on their forehead. The dot has some religious significance but today it has become more of a fashion statement. Sticker type dots are available in fancy designs. They stick it on in the morning and remove it at night. There is also a practical reason for putting a dot on the forehead. Women in India are shy and do not want men looking directly into their eyes. The dot distracts men. They tend to focus on the dot instead of looking into their eyes.
Men in India do not usually put a dot on their forehead. Sometimes they put a mark on their forehead after visiting a temple. It is part of a religious ritual. Those who are seen with it every day are religious people who are involved with temple activities or people who visit the temple every day. Some shady characters can also be seen with it.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Some flowers seen near my house.

Compared to the red hibiscus this one has very few flowers.

This flower is found on a tree called the ashoka tree.

I see these flowers almost everyday.

This one is seasonal. They flower only once or twice a year and then lasts only for a few days. It is worth the wait though.