Miss Sim was my first teacher. A very kind person. A slight tap on the knuckles with a ruler was the only punishment. I think she made sure it did not hurt us. During the end of the first year in school, each student sew a design on a piece of thick cloth which was then attached to a folding stool. We each took home a small stool. Mr. N.K.Samy (Maths Teacher) was the class teacher for primary 4 to 6. He and Mr. Robert Lee (Science Teacher) were the most popular teachers.
There were so many games that we played. Football, badminton,hide and seek, rounders, hantam bola, kuthi kuthi, marbles, top and satay were some of the popular games.Some boys caught a blue and black colored small spider and brought it to school in a small box. A leaf was placed in the box to make the spider feel at home, since these spiders live on plants.The spiders were made to fight and we watched with much interest. They were called fighting spiders. During the windy season, the shops sold kites. We bought a few paper kites but since they tore easily, we started making our own kites with plastic sheets. All the students looked forward to the sports day. There were four houses blue, green, yellow and red. Students were given coupons on the previous day and they were used get free cakes and cool drinks on sports day.
The teachers in charge of the boy scouts Mr. Alan Kok, Mr. Chan and Mr. Isaac Chong made our lives at school so enjoyable. We had camp fires, treasure hunts, job week, hiking, picnic at Seletar Island etc. Mr. Chan was the kindest man I have met. Once he found me using a catapult to hit birds and asked me about it. He did not like it that I could hurt a bird. Years later, whenever he saw us he would stop his car and give us a lift.
We wrote our first composition in primary 4 and each student had to produce his own work.We got packets of sweets for doing well in the spelling test.Each class had a small library at the back and during our free time we would read the books and look at the beautiful pictures. My favorite was ‘Swiss Family Robinson'.There was an excursion to Mount Faber, Van Cleef Aquarium, Haw Par Villa etc.
During the end of each year, when teachers were busy making the report books, we were engaged in some projects, making models or toys. Coconut shells were polished and made into coin boxes. Models of object were made with paper. We each made a robot during the last year. A cigarette can was the body. Bottle caps with a wire through them, made up the hands and legs. Two pieces of wood were the feet and a ball was the head of the robot which was then painted silver. There was an exhibition showing the best of the students work.
At the end of each year prizes were given to three students from each class who performed well in their studies. Once while witnessing the prize ceremony, I was surprised to hear my name being called out. I was given a prize for showing the most improvement.

One day, while at school, I felt a sharp pain in my toe. I could not understand the reason and I started pressing my canvas shoes at the spot. The pain lasted for some time. When I returned home after school and removed my shoes, I found a large dead spider inside my shoe. After that day, I always look inside my shoe before wearing them.
There were two instances of students being caned publicly, both for playing truant. One student went fishing for a few days. A special assembly was called and the headmaster announced the reason to all the students and then proceeded to give him three strokes on his behind. The amplifier was turned to full volume for the caning. In another case, a student went to work as a caddy. He was asked to stand in front of the class and the headmaster arrived and told us the reason before caning him.
During the last year, I climbed the ladder attached to the school water tank. Miss Sim, primary one teacher, spotted me and scolded me. I could not understand why. She was so kind. Did she change now? Only later did I realize, she did not want me to fall off and hurt myself.
For the first few years at school, we looked forward to the holidays but during the last few years we just hated the holidays. School had become so enjoyable.
Mr.Alan Kok, Mr.Issac Chong & Mr.Chan with some boy scouts. |
Hi there George I am Rahman here. I was from Nee Soon primary from 1971 to 1976. I still remember Mr. Sharshidaran the discipline master. Mrs Goh Poh Hong, Mr. Robert, Cikgu Marzuki, Mr Chong and few others. So where do u live now? Pls do contact me. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment,Rahman.The first picture above shows Mr.Robert Lee and Mr.N.K.Samy. Is it the same Mr.Robert you are referring to? I also remember a Mr.Marzuki who was in charge of Malay and Physical Education (P.E.).I now live in India.
Hi George... My dad was so delighted revisit his school days in the 60s... His only fond memories was having his both hands placed under the class table to only have Mr Robert slam and close the drawer squashing his fingers... As a punishment... Sadly for my late mom who fancy Mr Chong for his gd looks and gentlemanly... Never got the chance to see her favorite teacher... Tks loads....
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comment. Please give my best wishes to your dad.
Hi George, me from 1974 to 1979 ... i remember is called Nee Soon English Primary School ... do u still remember which road u stay in ? i am still staying very near to the school (about 1 hr by walking) but the school is laready not there (demolish)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. I stayed in Nee Soon Road. It was very near to the school. I had to walk only a few minutes to get to school. I left Singapore for India in 1972.
George do you have an older brother by the name Damian...I remembered him as a jovial friendly school mate, but one day he just mentioned that his whole family is mving back to India and next moment he left us for good.
DeleteThanks for the comment. Yes, Damien is my brother. He now lives in the UK.
So your home is that row of houses where from the school gate you turn left to go to Sembawang Road...right at the junction where a right turn to go on Nee Soon Road. Send my regards to your brother..I am Lim Jew Kwong if he remember me.
DeleteHi Jew Kwong,
DeleteYou are right, my house was near the school at the junction of Nee Soon road. I will send your regards to my brother. Good to know that you still remember.
Hi George,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the memories, my pri schooldays was 1969 to 1974. P1 teacher was Mdm Ng, not so fortunate as you, she was fierce and punished us, remembered being slapped on the face with ruler or each spelling error. Going to school was fearful then. After P1, the rest of the teachers were nicer. P3 teacher was mdm Sharifah, P4 was Mrs Khoo, P5 was Mr Lian, P6 was Mrs Sim.
I lived at Upp Thomson Rd, going to school was an half hour walk daily through the lonely lane along Lorong Sunyi(now disappeared), with dogs barking fiercely and somedays being chased. Raining day would mean shoes being wet with mud.
I loved the pet corners where monkeys were kept them, sometimes puppies, rabbits and fish. I remember other teachers such as Robert Wee, Mr Chong, Mr Thye, Mr Sarsi and the principal was Mr Liew Peng Chee then.
Thanks for the comment.I studied at Upper Thomson Secondary School for sec.1 and sec.2.I remember taking a bus from Nee Soon for the first few days. Then realized there was a short cut. I had to turn left and walk through a winding path to reach school.Maybe its the same lane you are referring to.About the rain, I remember an umbrella in those days made of wood and paper. I think the paper was coated with varnish to make it waterproof.
DeleteThere were some pigeons near the watchman's ( I think we called him Jagga)house. Also, a large cage with rabbits and guinea pigs. There was a pond and a fish tank near the Principal's office.I think the principal was the same man then.
Hi George, I am Rahman here again. Nee Soon Primsry year 1971-1976. Well George I am 52yrs old now. I'd just retired from the police force abt 2 years at the age of 50. I really see how time flies ya. Wrll the school is nowhere to be seen now. Theres now two goalpost being set up at our former school field probably by the residrnce there. Now from the road that I usually walked to school which was from the Nee Soon market to school were now semi detach houses and bunglow houses. Gone are those memories the only ivon that is still therr is the Caltex petrol stn and the building where Ramu's clinic once stand. Uou still remember the Post Office. It"s still there but has now being turn to a pets vetinary. The post box is still intact within the building thou. Well George, the spectrums of thr yesteryears still lingers in my mind. Missed those momrnts.
Deletehi rahman,i am happy to see your comment again. in fact you were the first to comment on this post.i hope you will enjoy your retired life by engaging in things that interest you.yes time does fly.thanks for giving me some details about the present situation.i remember nee soon market,ramu's clinic and the post office.my father used to take me to ramu's clinic when i was sick.yes school days were the happiest days.
Hello George,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Chandran and I am from Kerala but presently settled in Chennai. I chanced upon your blog while googling for nee soon english shcool. I studied in the Nee Soon School II from 1958 to 1962. My first principal was Mr. Austin Watts and later Mr.See Chan Buk. Mr. Chan and Mrs.Chow and Miss ooi were my teachers. I left the school in 1962 and came to India when my father returned to India. We stayed in the Nee Soon Cantonment. I still have my school report Book and a class photo taken in school.
Hi Chandran, I remember you. I studied in Nee Soon School from 1959 to 1964. You use to live in Nee Soon Camp. I use to live along nee Soon Road near to the School. Remember we use to cross a bridge before we go to Nee soon School. I am still in touch with a classmate of yours, Madusoodanan. My Facebook account is Asokan Raghavan
DeleteHello Ashokan,
DeleteNice to know that someone from 60's remembers you. I remember your name but am not able to recollect your face. I am able to remember Madhsoodanan. He used to have the habit of sticking out his tongue while writing. Hope to catch you on facebook.
Hi Chandran, Thanks for the comment.Glad to know that you studied at Nee Soon Primary School.I am from kerala too.
Hi, I am Asokan, Mohanadas's brother. Good to hear from you after decades. I last met you in 1972, on your eve of departure to India. How is your brother Damian
DeleteHi Asokan,
DeleteThank you for the comment. Got in touch with Mohanadas through this blog. Damien is in the UK and doing well.
Hi George,
ReplyDeleteI was a former student of Nee Soon Primary School when I was living in the nearby kampong back then, and I left school after my PSLE in end of '77. It is so hard to find the picture of our old (demolished) school especially the school field and it's surrounding. But so nice to know someone like you who is also a former student of this school. ;-)
Btw, do you have a facebook account?
ReplyDeleteHi Peter,
DeleteThanks for the comment. I was living in nee soon too. Sorry I don't have pictures of the school but you can see parts of the school building in the background, in the pictures above. Sorry again, I am not on Facebook, yet.
Hi George, nice to see an old boy of NSPS. I was there from '73 - '78. I used to stay at Lorong Sunyi, someone mentioned it in an earlier comment. The school compound has been flattened, no new development yet as of now. Nee Soon Rd is still there, with big houses lining both sides. the wooden bridge is gone, replaced with a nice concrete one. All houses after the bridge are all gone, only left some newer buildings nearer to junction with Sembawang Rd,
ReplyDeleteHi Hartmann,
DeleteThanks for the comment. It seems you were at NSPS exactly ten years after me. I was there from ' 63 - ' 68. Thank you for giving me details of the present situation in the area.
Hi Hartmann,
DeleteI also from NSPS 79 to 85. I also used to stay at Lorong Sunyi. Tried to find the old street directory of our school and my old home but to no avail.
Hi George,
You were my many years senior... wow
Ah Di
Hi Ah Di,
DeleteThanks for the comment. Yes, I am much older than you.
Hi George, great to know someone from the good old kampong days even though you are my senior, I am Tan Teo Song, i was in Nee Soon Primary School 1967-1972, but you may know my brothers: Tan Teo Hai, Tan Teo Guan, Tan Teo Seng and Tan Teo Chua
DeleteHi Teo Song, thank you for the comment. glad to know that you studied at the same school. unfortunately i don't remember the names of many of the old schoolmates now.
Hi Hartmann,
ReplyDeleteI was in the school the same years as you. My name is William. I was in the class 6AA in 1978. Which class were you in?
Are u chong boon? I can be contacted at black66@Gmail.Com.
DeleteI am suthan.studied in the same school
ReplyDelete1964-69 after that left to India. Few of my classmates I remember are Mahalingam, Mathew Daniel, marigold.i was quite fast in running and got few prices also. Hope u remember any one of us.
Hi Suthan,
DeleteMarigold is an Indian girl, i am taha or many called me Salim, you may cantact me at 6597106231
I am suthan.studied in the same school
ReplyDelete1964-69 after that left to India. Few of my classmates I remember are Mahalingam, Mathew Daniel, marigold.i was quite fast in running and got few prices also. Hope u remember any one of us.
hi suthan,
Deletethanks for the comment.though i remember some of my classmates unfortunately i do not remember most of my schoolmates.i have heard of mathew daniel but i don't know if it is the same person. glad to know that you were good at running.
Do u have any other photos
ReplyDeletesorry suthan i don't have any other old photos.some of the old photos got damaged. that is when i decided to get some of them scanned.
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ReplyDeletehi taha,thanks for the comment.my father was also working with the british army.i was living opposite the chinese school that you mentioned.i remember mr.marzuki.
hi George, how are you I Ajith Kumar was a student at Nee Soon School from 1960 to 1970 . and was staying at 26 Nee Soon Road , all I remember is the name of two of my friends Mohd Bin Ibrahim and a veeraputran who were staying at Mandai Road.Now I am in Madras ( Chennai
ReplyDeleteSorry from !967 to !970, Ajith Kumar
ReplyDeletehi ajith, thanks for the comment. i am doing fine. glad to know that you were a student at nee soon school. i was also staying at nee soon road, close to the school.
Hi George,
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog when I googled Nee Soon Primary School. I don't think I can remember you but I was in the school from 1966 to 1971. Your picture of Mr. Robert Wee (as far I can remember his surname is Wee not Lee) and Mr. Samy ( I think) brings back some fond memories. Mr Robert was my form teacher when I was in Primary 6. He's the best. He used to invite some of my classmates (about 5 or 6 of us including me) to his single storey corner terrace house at Seraya Crescent (near the old Ahmad Ibrahim Sec. Sch) on some Saturdays to give free extra lessons. Honestly I don't remember much or really care much about about the extra lessons BUT the ice cold Ribena drink that he served us was most memorable. My family was not well off at that time and we do not have fridge at home, therefore the ice- cold grape drink was heavenly and I still can remember the pleasure I had sipping the cold drink even it was 50 years ago.
By the way I remember Taha (or we used to call him by his other name Salim). I hope he is doing well in his retirement years.
Thank you for the comment Ishak. Yes some of my friends have told me it is Mr.Robert Wee and not Lee. I never changed it. I find your experience at NSPS interesting.
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