Monday, November 1, 2010


All of them are fraud. Some are exposed, some will be exposed later and some will never be exposed. They claim to have the answer, when there is no answer. Their disciples are rich and poor, foreigners and Indian politicians. There are so many godmen in India because there is large scale poverty, illiteracy and deep rooted superstitious beliefs. Even presidents and prime ministers of India have been followers. Some politicians cultivate these godmen so that they can get the votes of their followers.

There is a godman who performs magic tricks, like producing Rolex watches out of thin air, to impress his followers and another was an arms dealer. Most of them are involved in shady businesses. There are some godmen who also run hospitals which give free service to the poor. This is the only good thing they do, though it may be a public relations ploy.

Foreign disciples are given more importance and seated in prime locations during functions so as to attract more of them. Also, Indians who see them are impressed and come in larger numbers, thinking that there must be something in it, if people from distant countries are also coming as disciples. Foreign disciples are useful because the gullible among them make large donations and also help the organization to grow abroad. Sometimes their addresses are used as foreign offices for the organization. Some foreign disciples prefer to stay on in India since the cost of living is lower here. Some of these disciples are actually very astute and occupy key positions in the organization so as to swindle the money.

Some godmen have very large organizations, but when they die, it collapses or gets reduced to a small setup and the disciples who held key positions live luxurious lives in different parts of the world with the money they swindled.

Though billions of dollars are involved, the income tax department which harasses the common man will not dare investigate the godmen because of their political connections.


  1. are the godmen the same as a guru? like in an ashram? its very interesting what you say because i do see a particular fascination the west has with "going to India" and finding themselves or something like it... but then there are false godmen in every corner of the world i suppose...

    1. hi b.c.,a guru is actually a teacher who can teach something (e.g. yoga).some of the spiritual gurus claim to have divine powers or claim to have answers for everything, they are the godmen.

    2. i see..yes i understand, there are particular 'ministers' that claim they are so close to god they too exploit the people who are desperate to find answers. funny how money needs to be exchanged before these ministers can hear what 'god' or 'the spirit' has to say

    3. yes b.c.,there are people from all religions involved in this makes the world go round.
