Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I can enjoy watching a movie and I like some of the actors. It takes a lot of people to make a movie. The producer has to rely on the writer, director, photographer, musician, stuntmen etc. too. All of them have to work together to produce a good movie. Actors are talented people but then so are the others who are involved and they don’t seem to get the same respect or credit that actors do. Actors have a director telling them how to act and if they don’t do it well, there is a retake. The director has to direct all the actors, while each actor appears only in the relevant scene. Stuntmen usually do the stunts and actors take the credit for that too. There are a few actors who are also involved in producing, directing, writing etc. They are exceptional people. Most actors only act.
Actors are usually very rich and have big egos. Their lives are very different from that of the common man but when it comes to issues concerning the common man some of them seem to think that their opinion matters more than that of the common man. I don’t understand why people get excited when they see an actor. They don’t get excited when they see the other people who are involved in making a movie.


  1. I think t's funny when I see people waiting to catch a view of an actor and then whip out their phone and take a selfie with the actor in the distant background :)))

    1. hi b.c., i think it happens all over the world. there are very few professions that attract as much attention. i can only think of sportspeople and musicians. sportspeople usually retire by their 40's and musicians are more deserving of the attention. :)

  2. Actors and other celebrities are human beings, just like any other person. They are just more known. I agree with you in that I don't understand why people "freak out" when they see a celebrity. I have met a few celebrities and greet them like I do anyone else, with a "hello" and a smile. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.

    1. hi linda, yes they are just human beings like everybody else only better known. glad we are on the same page.
